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قصص قصيرة

تلخيص قصة قصيرة بالإنجليزي للمبتدئين بعنوان جزاء الإيمان

تعتبر القراءة باللغة الإنجليزية واحدة من أهم المهارات التي ينبغي على المتعلم ممارستها، لما بها من فوائد جمة في تعليم وإتقان اللغة الإنجليزية، فحالها حال الكتابة والاستماع والتحدث والإلمام بمفردات اللغة وقواعدها.

Reading in the English language is considered one of the most important skills that the learner should practice, because of its great benefits in teaching and mastering the English language, as is the case with writing, listening, speaking, and familiarity with the language’s vocabulary and grammar.


A true story that happened in the Arab country of Jordan. One day, a man died and left behind him a wife in the prime of her life and a son who was still an infant. A few days after his death, the uncle came to the wife and explained how interested he was in taking care of his nephew and taking care of all his possessions. He was nothing but a good-hearted mother. She signed papers to sell property with everything her child owned to his uncle.

قصة حقيقية حدثت ببلاد الأردن العربية، في يوم من الأيام توفي رجل وترك من خلفه زوجة في مقتبل عمرها وابن لا يزال رضيعا، وبعد وفاته بأيام قليلة جاء العم للزوجة وأوضح مدى اهتمامه برعاية ابن أخيه والقيام على جميع ممتلكاته، وما كان من الأم طيبة القلب إلا أنها وقعت على أوراق بيع ملكية بكل ما يملك صغيرها لعمه.

So the uncle took all the money after selling all the property and fled to America, and there he worked in a good job and met an American girl, whom he married and had children with. He settled there in a house with his wife and children, and his wife was extremely smart as she helped him a lot in investing the money that he had with him. The investment was in selling cars, and over the years, its investment amounted to billions.

فأخذ العم جميع الأموال بعدما قام ببيع كافة الممتلكات وفر هاربا لأمريكا، وهناك عمل في وظيفة جيدة وتعرف على فتاة أمريكية تزوج بها وأنجب منها الأولاد، واستقر هناك بمنزل مع زوجته وأبنائه، وكانت زوجته ذكية لأبعد الحدود إذ أعانته كثيرا في استثمار أمواله التي كانت معه، وكان الاستثمار في بيع السيارات، وبمرور الأعوام صار استثماره بمليارات.

On the other hand, his widowed brother’s wife was working hard in a poor, miserable life to complete her son’s education, and she actually succeeded in doing so, as she gave him a higher education and taught him religious education before worldly education. The uncle longed for his homeland, so he prepared a luxurious villa to live in with his American wife and children. He built a great edifice with many factories for manufacturing cars, and returned to Jordan before his family. After he prepared everything to receive them, he cleared all of his possessions in America and returned with them to Jordan. On the day of their reception, he went to the airport in his luxury car, and then there was a traffic accident on the highway in which they all died. The greatest surprise was that there was no legal heir for him and his family except his orphan nephew, whose money had been stolen since Years, so God, in His wisdom, returned the money to its owners after the oppressor had made fun of investing it for years!

وفي الطرف الآخر كانت زوجة أخيه الأرملة تكد في حياة فقيرة بائسة لتكمل تعليم ابنها، وبالفعل نجحت في ذلك فقد علمته تعليما عاليا ولقنته التعليم الديني قبل التعليم الدنيوي؛ اشتاق العم للوطن فأعد فيلا فاخرة للعيش فيها مع زوجته الأمريكية وأبنائه، وقام ببناء صرح عظيم به الكثير من المصانع لتصنيع السيارات، وعاد قبل عائلته للأردن؛ وبعدما أعد كل شيء لاستقبالهم وصفى كامل ممتلكاته بأمريكا وعاد بها للأردن، وفي يوم استقبالهم ذهب للمطار بسيارته الفاخرة، وإذا بحادث سير على الطريق السريع يفارقوا فيه الحياة جميعهم، والمفاجأة الأعظم أنه لم يكن هناك وريث شرعي له ولعائلته إلا ابن أخيه اليتيم الذي سرق ماله منذ سنوات، فأعاد الله بحكمته المال لأصحابه بعد أن سخر الظالم لاستثماره طيلة سنوات!

The son, who had become a young man, did not know that God Almighty had subjected his uncle to him for twenty-five years, investing for him the money that his father had left for him, and returning the money with all its profits to its true owner. It was God Almighty’s justice, mercy, and also his vengeance against the oppressors. Perhaps it was a call from his mother’s broken heart after his uncle broke his oath to her and permitted the money of his orphan nephew, who was still an infant in her hands.

God Almighty said in His Mighty Book in Surat Al-Anfal: (And they plot, and Allah plots. And Allah is the best of planners.)

لم يكن يعلم الابن والذي صار شابا يافعا أن الله سبحانه وتعالى قد سخر له عمه طيلة خمسة وعشرون عاما يستثمر له الأموال التي تركها له أبيه، فيرجع المال بكل أرباحه لمالكه الحقيقي، إنه عدل الله سبحانه وتعالى ورحمته وانتقامه أيضا من الظالمين؛ وربما كانت دعوة من قلب أمه المفطور بعد نكث يمين عمه لها، واستباحته لمال ابن أخيه اليتيم الذي كان لا يزال رضيعا بين يديها.

قال تعالى في كتابه العزيز في سورة الأنفال: (وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ ۖ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ).

ريم إبراهيم

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